Military Toxic Exposure Event
Join this Facebook live event from 5to7 see poster QR
Join this Facebook live event from 5to7 see poster QR
Patriot Approved and FEC UNITED present Exposing the Deep State Film Series! Panel to follow including Ron Edwards, Janice Daniels, Kerry Bentivolio plus more! $10 Registration fee, scan QR on flier
Come out and meet us, get involved! 23651 Goddard Rd, Taylor
Join the MEGA SPLASH fun for the whole family this spring break.
Event Details This is an event planned and hosted by Stand Up Michigan’s Wayne county chapter. MVC will have a table present – please visit us while you are there! To learn more about the organization and the event, please visit
Please register for this free, online event at:
Join us monthly as we educate & mobilize ourselves to “Stand for Truth” on the cultural & political issues of our day. Our Three “ACTION TEAMS” (The Church, Education & Government) give reports, create resources & develop strategies. Our Goal: To profess and live out our nation’s Christian heritage with a Biblical Worldview.
Join Chairman Tim Walenga and fellow Republicans for coffee, juice and danishes.
Allegan County GOP Centurion Dinner April 13 from 5-8. Located at the Trestle Stop in Hamilton with guest speaker MIGOP Chair Kristina Karamo. Tickets: single $75, couple $125. for tickets. Seating is limited so get your tickets soon.
Did you know that we have multiple legislators who have been in Congress since the 1980s, and many more since the 1990s? How could anyone who has been entrenched in the Washington swamp for over four decades have any sense of the needs of the citizens of their states? It’s the very picture of “out…
We The County is a grassroots, county-by-county movement, uniting together Small Businesses, Patriots and the Churches to stand up as One Voice bringing the authority to govern back to our local communities, once again becoming Constitutional Counties. Our allegiance is not to a political party, but to the United States of America. We are one nation,…
Euchre tournament fundraiser. 6 p.m. Registration, 7 p.m. games start. Food provided for early participants. Room for 100 players/ 25 tables. Prizes, door prizes, 50/50. We will have 3 games.