Matt Trewhella
Bio: Pastor Matt Trewhella
Pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church for 35 years – a congregation located in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area.
He and his wife, Clara, have been married 41 years. They have 11 children, and 29 grandchildren.
He is the founder of Missionaries to the Preborn which was instrumental in seeing abortion in Wisconsin drop by over 60% from 1990 to 2022, Pastor Matt spent over 15 months in jail for interposing on behalf of the preborn at the doors of the deathcamps.
He is the author of the book The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Response to Tyranny and A Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government.
He has spoken to countless magistrates, done countless news, radio, and podcast interviews, and has been invited to speak before legislators in 11 states.
He also preached his first sermon exposing the fraud and tyranny that the covid pandemic was on March 22nd, 2020 – just nine days after Trump announced the national emergency. The sermon was entitled A Contrarian Look at Covid 19. He went on to preach a series of sermons regarding the matter over the next two years exposing the evil – the sermons had hundreds of thousands of listens.
- Matt’s talk will include:
- The tool: The doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate briefly explained
- The role of the county and municipality regarding interposition and resolution.
- Why judicial supremacy must be destroyed.

Bradlee Dean
Bio: Bradlee Dean https://rumble.com/embed/vaf4fd/?pub=hw409
Bradlee Dean has spoken at thousands of events across the nation including Tea Parties, Churches, Festivals, Universities, and over 350 Public High Schools in 24 states! Bradlee Dean is a nationally syndicated radio show host of Sons of Liberty Radio and a weekly columnist for Western Journalism, and 35+ other media outlets. Dean is also founder and CEO of The Sons of Liberty, a ministry that specializes in reaching Americans with the principles of morality, true freedom, and personal responsibility.
He has been featured on national media outlets such as FOX News, The Blaze, The New York Times, MSNBC, The Weekly Standard, and many other media outlets standing for our conservative, Christian values found in the Bible and the Constitution.
Bradlee has been endorsed by Michael Reagan, Bryan Fischer (American Family Association), Michael Peroutka (Institute on the Constitution), Larry Pratt (Gun Owners of America), Matt Barber (Liberty Counsel), Rusty Humphries, Alveda King and more.
- Bradlee’s talk:
In his presentation, Bradlee uses his own personal experience, along with a multimedia presentation, to discuss issues such as the media, personal responsibility, true freedom, moral issues facing our nation today, America’s Christian foundation, the United States Constitution and the price paid for our freedom. It is an overall message of truth and our responsibility to preserve our nation’s heritage.