The King Cyrus-Trump Paradigm
Our God is not a God of chance or random acts. Everything He does has a specific intent, a specific purpose. It is all part of His design for humanity. As we read from the Bible, we can see His paradigms. A paradigm is a pattern, a model, a template, a specific design with purpose and intent. A paradigm is the opposite of a coincidence or random act. Paradigms help us understand how God moves through the Spirit of Prophecy so we can “discern the times” and connect to what God is doing.
Issachar is one of the 12 Tribes of Israel. They were gifted with “understanding the times and knowing what Israel should do,” (1 Chron 12:32). According to Lance Wallnau, Issachar’s gifting unfolded by 3 things:
1) Reviewing Israel’s past to discern patterns for the future. (My note: patterns are paradigms.)
2) Evaluating present day events.
3) Investigating prophetic words that are possibly unfolding.
Surprisingly, the issue of their day was both political and spiritual. They were being consulted about who was called to rule the nation. David was anointed by God as a young man to be the king, but at this time Saul was king. The other tribes of Israel would look to see what the tribe of Issachar would do. Fortunately, Issachar understood the times and could see a transition of spiritual government was taking place and it became time to put their support behind David recognizing the call of God on his life to be the next King.
Many people around the world believe President Donald J Trump is a paradigm of King Cyrus. Therefore, with the Sons of Issachar anointing, let us “discern the times.”
The most significant prophecy of the coming of King Cyrus is in Isaiah 45. This is amazing! God calls forth King Cyrus by name, over 100 years before he is born. In fact, over half of chapter 45 is about Cyrus. The #1 reason God called forth King Cyrus, was to take down Babylon and set His people free from bondage. President Trump is our 45th President.
Isa 45:1-3 “Thus says the Lord to His anointed, To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held — To subdue nations before him
And loose the armor of kings, To open before him the double doors, So that the gates will not be shut: 2 ‘I will go before you And make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze And cut the bars of iron. 3 I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the Lord, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.”
The Writing on The Wall. Belshazzar, the King of Babylon, brought out the utensils that had been taken from the Temple of the Jews and desecrated them by using them to praise the gods of gold and silver. While they were celebrating, fingers from a man’s hand appeared on the wall and wrote MENE, MENS, TEKEL, UPHARSIN which interpreted means “God numbered the days of your kingdom and it is finished. This night your kingdom will fall and be given to the Medes and Persians; (King Cyrus).” Just as prophesied, King Cyrus brought down Babylon in amazing detail. Cyrus diverted the river Euphrates which dried up the moat around Babylon making it possible to enter under the famous massive “double doors” at the entrance to Babylon. That night, Babylon fell, (Daniel 5:1-30).
We do not worship President Trump, he is not our Savior, but we honor God’s anointing on his life to assemble and lead a Patriotic army with God’s righteousness to take down Babylon. God will make the “crooked places straight.”
President Trump said he would “Drain the swamp” and called Hillary Clinton “Crooked Hillary.” He exposed the corruption in Washington D.C. He energized our economy and brought great wealth back to America. Franklin Graham said the hatred for Trump is demonic. The #1 enemy of this Marxist-Luciferian-Babylonian Cabal is President Trump and his Patriots. That is why they constantly attack him with false accusations.
King Cyrus prophecy continues: Isa 45:13 I have raised him up in righteousness, And I will direct all his ways; He shall build My city And let My exiles go free, Not for price nor reward,” Says the Lord of hosts. President Trump donated 100% of his Presidential salary to charity. “He shall build My city” America is said to be “the shining city on a hill” giving reference to Matthew 5:14. President Trump’s slogan is “Make America Great Again!”
Isa 41:2-4 “Who raised up one from the east? Who in righteousness called him to His feet?… By the way that he had not gone with his feet? Foot notes from the SFL Bible: “One from the East: a reference to Cyrus, the successful Persian conqueror who would decree the release of Judah from captivity. God is behind his success, “by the way…his feet:” A master statesman, Cyrus won many victories through diplomacy, never having to travel personally to many areas to war. President Trump wrote the book “The Art of the Deal” as many consider him to be a master statesman.
In 2007 prophet Kim Clement prophesied Trump would be president for 2 terms, Kim said “…A transfiguration, a going into the market place if you wish, into the news media, where TIME Magazine will have no choice but to say what I want them to say…” December 7th 2016 TIME announced Donald Trump as their Person of the Year for 2016! Also; “…And they shall say he has hot blood for the spirit of God says yes, he may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way…” Trump is considered “hot blooded” because of how he has responded under pressure. He said he would build “The Wall” of protection at our southern border.
In late 2016, the Nascent Sanhedrin (in Israel) sent letters to Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, urging them to work together to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem stating “the opportunity to act as modern-day Cyrus figures: non-Jewish kings who recognize the importance of Israel and the Temple …”
March 5th, 2018 Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu compared President Trump with King Cyrus. President Trump moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem and declared Jerusalem is the true undivided capital of Israel. Rabbis in Israel commemorated this event by minting a Trump/Cyrus coin. It is called the “temple coin” and has the silhouette of President Trump and King Cyrus.
The U.S. Military was established on June 14, 1775. We celebrate Flag Day on June 14. President Trump was born on June 14. This is not a coincidence; it is God’s impeccable timing birthing one of our countries greatest Patriots.
When President Trump was inaugurated, it was the Jewish year 5777 and on the day of inauguration Trump turned 70 years, 7 months and 7 days. The most symbolic number in the book of Revelation is the number “7.” The number 7 is used 54 times in the book of Revelation. There are 7 Trumpets and each one is a warning of the coming wrath of God. Each trumpet is blown in hopes of people repenting and turning back to God.
Remember, the #1 reason God called forth King Cyrus was to bring down Babylon and release His people from bondage. Today in America, the Marxist-Luciferian-Babylonian Cabal has America (and the world) in bondage. When the 7th Trumpet sounds, all mysteries will be made known (Rev 10:7) as Babylon falls (Rev 14:8) and the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ (Rev 11:15). People are waking up and seeing the truth. Babylon falls before the return of Jesus Christ as our enemy is made His footstool (Matt 22:44, Heb 10:13).
President Donald J Trump has the same call on his life as King Cyrus; to take down Babylon, restoring Liberty. The only way this is possible, is by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. It is God who is bringing down Babylon, but He uses people in the process. He is using His Church and His Patriots.
All authority comes from God, and I believe President Donald Trump has the greatest delegated authority for civil government of any leader in America. He has united the Patriots more than any person in the history of America and Satan is trying to cause division. Again, President Trump is not our Savior, and he is not a perfect man. I do not agree with, nor do I understand everything he does. But he carries a powerful anointing to drain the swamp, making the crooked places straight, bringing down Babylon the Deep State Cabal.
Thousands of Patriots are uniting together in the Great State of Michigan. Will you join us? Please go to and become a member today!
Michael Dennis Smith
Founder, We The County